Sunday, April 11, 2010

During my walks for the past month or so I have been going through the alphabet and meditating on the characters and attributes of God, trying to think about only one that stands out on any given day. The other day as I was nearing the end of the alphabet, I was thinking about the letter X and something that went along with it.” eXtreme” is what I came up with. The more I thought about it, the more eXtreme I realized my God is!
He is the first and the Last.
He is beginning and the end.
He kills and brings to life.
He is the king of kings and the servant of all.
He is Love and a God of wrath.
He makes poor and he makes rich.
He brings low and exalts.
He is close and yet unreachable.
He is written in creation and yet unfathomable.
He is humble, yet jealous.
He is meek and He is mighty.
He is obedient and the maker of the rules.
He takes vengeance and is the giver of grace.
He knows all yet knew no sin.
He is the forgiver of all yet never needs forgiveness.

I am certain that this list is not exhaustive and I will spend many days pondering the eXtremeness of my God. But no matter how eXtreme He is, I am sure that no one is like Him! No one measures up! My God is eXtreme!!!


Mari said...

Great list Miss Kami!! Love and miss you much!

Trail Rated said...

The thought of God being the "lawmaker and obedient" is giving me pause to meditate. Very insightful.

MrsKraft said...

Kami, Well done! You're waxing wise in your old age!!! Your posts lately have been really encouraging and have given me food for thought.
Love you!