Thursday, March 25, 2010

seeing all the way to hell

Part of my quiet time has been from the book of John. I was reading the other day the story of the blind man whom Jesus healed. You know, the one where the religious leaders got upset with Jesus for healing someone. (I know they got upset at everything he did, but bear with me.)Everyone accused the man of deserving his disability because naturally the man was in sin or maybe it was the sin of his parents. The man was born blind. Never able to see. I wonder at what age did his parents kick him out? How long had he been on the streets alone? Did he have any relationship with his parents at all? The Bible doesn't always fill in the details, but as I was reading these thoughts are going through my mind. What makes a parent dismiss their child? What makes a parent leave their child in the hands of the accusing Jews?
Then the good news came. I got to verse 35 and it jumped out at me. God pursues us!!
Jesus heals the man. Job done right? Not even close for our Great God! Healing the physical is not the important thing for him. Vs. 35 says Jesus HEARD that they (the Jews) cast him out, and HAVING FOUND him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
Jesus HEARD, CARED, and SOUGHT the man out to gain his soul! So why do I think doing the bear minimum is enough? How many blind am I "healing" without reaching their soul for Christ!!


Sarah said...

What a great surprise to see a post from YOU! Thanks for the words of Truth.

MrsKraft said...

It's really good to see you on here again.
And what a deep post after so long!
Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

I knew HST, he was never so emo bipolar whiny. you dare compare yourself to him? you can't acquire cool, you have it or you don't