Friday, February 2, 2007

Experience Jersey

Just wanted to let everyone know we’ll be adding a deck to our pool this summer and it’s going to be great! So I officially invite all of you to come visit sometime during the summer to try out the new deck( It’s hard to make changes on something so big in size, but nothing is impossible.) And for all of you “used to be Michiganders” I think it’s time you came to visit! Then you would all be able to share in the joy of Jersey.


The McFarlane Family said...

After I told Matt about your blog, we got to talking. He asked, "Where do they live now?" When I told him, "New Jersey." his only comment was, "And I thought Illinois was bad!" I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I think it has something to do with not having a good opinion of New Jersey.

It would be fun to see y'all sometime though. Although since I haven't even seen a picture in YEARS, I probably wouldn't recognize you.

The McFarlane Family said...
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big t said...

Well i didn't even know you had a pool. I guess you spoil your kids just like you were spoiled.

kari mia way said...

yeah, the second batch of Bakers were TRULY spoiled! The first batch had to dig the hole and set up the pool, the second batch just floated in it.

Anonymous said...

we're so excited about you're deck - except i have to say i will miss the bit of muddin' around your pool - always made for an exciting trip up the hill!! can we get together soon? it's been way too long.

big t said...

Preach it kari.

Trail Rated said...

i wasn't spoiled. i grew up in NJ.

big t said...

I think that might be the furthest thing from being spoiled.

Kami said...

first, if you haven't been to Jersey you're not allowed to comment.
secondly, I am the first batch of bakers, I just got the benefits of both, digging and floating. too bad for you kari you didn't dig fast enough to enjoy the floating before you deserted the family and left for hethen country.
and lastly, trent do you really want to talk of spoiled kids? you once again may be king in this area.

big t said...

I am about as spoiled as Klynt and Dana'a chickens.

Quincy said...

i would have to agree with kami- trent, you are a bit spoiled! sometimes we don't even realize how good we have it(how spoiled we are) until it isn't that way anymore.

kari mia way said...

You can't have it both ways. You can only be on one side of the fence. Technically you are number 5 which puts you clearly in the second batch!

But in all seriousness Kami, I love you and I have been praying for you and your family this week-I don't know why, but God does.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.