Monday, September 20, 2010

Things I never want to run out of ........again!

Sunny skies on a camping trip

T.P. in a public stall

Gas in the car headed.......anywhere

A good hardy laugh

Marshmallows at a cookout

Air in the air mattress while you sleep

Money at a restauraunt after you've eaten

Time with my main man

Propane when the burgers are only half done

Water in the swimming pool

Stool softeners right after having a kid

Ink, mid-letter

Good memories

Wet wipes during a diaper change

Milk when you just bought the GOOD cereal

Air to the lungs while exercising

Toothpaste first thing in the morning

Laundry soap when my closet is empty

Solution for the contacts

Energy before three in the afternoon

Tears when I still feel like crying

Electricity right after going to the grocery

A good book to read

A cool breeze while laying in the hammock

A hammock


MrsKraft said...

This list absolutely terrified me when I got to "time with my main man." I thought I was reading Victoria's blog!!!

Anonymous said...

We really need to start commenting on Kalebs blog again. i miss the connections!

jennifer anderson said...

you got that list right! funny how often stuff like that happens!

Miami Heat Videos said...

This is pretty awesome. I like all the information that you guys have up here, very helpful.

Yang Kuo said...

Can you tell me how did you know about that? Thank you very much.
