Wednesday, May 20, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

Sitting in the sun sipping iced tea, wathcing the kids play.
walking the park with Jack.(really doing anything, anywhere with him.)
Cheering on the kids with hubby in whatever sport they're in.
floating on my raft in the pool all alone.
a giant gilatti, mango if they have it.
listening to the kids talk when they don't know I'm listening.
a hiking trip with the family.
getting together with the sisters. (I like the brothers too!)
a real good book
a good workout followed by a good long bath.
my hammock.
rocking on the back porch.
a big snow and sledding with the kids. (followed with some hot chocholate.)
being the one my kids run to for comfort.
those special talks with my kids.
getting an unexpected check in the mail.
picking strawberries and blueberries.
finding a good deal at the grocery.
accomplishing anything!
being able to complete a thought!


Trail Rated said...

I know Kami's favorites now!

Mari said...

Sadly I read through that and thought thing yum I concur. Check in the mail, Talk w/kids...yes.
But then I saw the finishing a complete thought and that might be somewhere at the top. It is getting harder and harder to remember what I was talking about to begin with!

MrsKraft said...

I miss you, my friend!

Dana Baker said...

I miss picking strawberries and blueberries. I love your list Kami!